Haub's "bad" cholesterol, or LDL, dropped 20 percent and his "good" cholesterol, or HDL, increased by 20 percent. He reduced the level of triglycerides, which are a form of fat, by 39 percent.
He has no explanation for this.
Recently, Chris Voigt of the state of Washington, went on a potatoes only diet. You name it, baked, steamed, mashed, and even fried. He did this for two months and the results are staggering.
Voigt put away roughly 20 potatoes per day for 60 straight days, some 400 pounds in all. And at the end he had lost weight — down from 197 pounds to 176 — while reducing his blood sugar and slashing his cholesterol by more than 30 percent.
They do give a disclaimer:
The problem with the all-potato diet, of course, is the same as with the junk food diet: if you maintained it for any serious length of time, it would probably land you in the hospital, or worse.
So does this discredit high carb diets? It's worth taking a closer look.
Article from calorielab.
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